General Visiting
Visitors are very welcome. We normally only allow a maximum of two visitors at a time. In most cases we do allow children to visit hospital wards but please discuss this with the nurse or midwife in charge of the ward before they come in.
We ask that visitors keep noise and disturbance to a minimum.
Please note: Visitors will be asked to wear masks where it is clinically required such as within outbreak areas, or oncology wards.
General wards: 11am – 7pm visitors welcome at meal times if they are assisting their family member. Open visiting is also available for families and carers of those who are:
- End of life
- confused
- have a learning disability or autism
- living with dementia
- a brain injury
Surgical wards: Surgery visiting times as 11am – 7pm (two per bed) visiting to support with mealtimes welcomed and extended visiting/adjustments for patients who are at End Of life, have a Learning disability or autism, has dementia or a brain injury.
Critical Care: 11am – 7pm.
Children’s Wards: 10am – 7pm (one parent can stay overnight and the other parent, carer or siblings can visit can visit any time but will need to leave by 9pm).
Maternity Unit: 1pm – 8pm (husbands and partners may visit between 9am and 9pm).
Cardiology Wards: 2pm – 9pm.
Rowley Regis Hospital/ Leasowes: 11am – 7pm, visitors welcome at meal times if they are assisting their family member. Open visiting for families and carers of those who are:
End of life, confused, have a learning disability or autism, living with dementia, a brain injury.
Please contact the ward for more detailed information through our main hospital telephone numbers:
- The Midland Metropolitan University Hospital: 0121 553 1831
- Rowley Regis Hospital: 0121 507 6300
If you wish to support your loved one during mealtimes, please speak to the ward staff to arrange this.
If it is necessary for visitors to come to one of our hospitals outside normal visiting hours, please speak to our ward staff to make arrangements.
- Activate the buzzer provided and wait to be admitted
- Ensure no one enters the ward behind you
- Wash your hands and use the hand gels provided on entering and leaving the ward
- Please return any chairs you move to their original positions before you leave
- Please do not come to the ward if you have symptoms of COVID or flu or diarrhoea and Vomiting.
Sometimes it is necessary to stop all visiting either to one or multiple wards if there is an infection outbreak. This usually only happens when we need to prevent the spread of infection, for example COVID-19, flu and norovirus.
There are many viruses which are common in the community and can easily be brought into hospital.
To prevent this, visitors who have been in close contact with someone with sickness or diarrhoea are asked not to come into the hospitals for 48 hours until the infection has cleared up. Also please do not visit if you have symptoms of covid or flu.
We will keep our website up-to-date with information about visiting and will keep our patients informed so that you do not travel to hospital to find you cannot visit your relative or friend.
Public toilets are available for the use of visitors. These are generally located on the ground and first floors of our hospitals. Visitors should not use patient toilets on the wards.
Visitors are welcome to use our restaurants, coffee areas and shops. Please see the restaurants and shops section of our website for more information.
There are cash point machines in the main entrance at Sandwell Health Campus.