The donation was provided by the Guru Nanak Naam Ladies Jatha, a group of 15 friends who regularly donate to healthcare providers in the region. Their donation of nearly £4,000 will pay for six iPads and fund specialist speech and language therapy (SLT) apps at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust.
Michelle Kennedy, Advanced Speech and Language Therapist, spoke about the importance of having increased access to therapy. She said: “To make improvements in your talking following a stroke, the evidence shows you need roughly four hours of therapy per week.
“If you’re having trouble understanding language post-stroke, you need roughly nine hours of therapy a week. The apps we now have access to present immediate feedback to the patient, providing the feeling of a therapist being by their side.”
The significant donation will help enhance and improve the patient experience.
Michelle added: “As long as the patient is comfortable with a touchscreen – they will find digital therapy an easy method of re-learning.”