The shortlist has been announced for our Staff Awards 2013. Congratulations to everyone who has been shortlisted and thank you to everyone who took the time to make a nomination. The winners will be announced at our Staff Awards Ceremony on October 18, so watch this space!
The shortlisted nominations (in no particular order) are:
Employee of the Year
- Angela Hook, Ward Clerk, D25.
- Remigio Delacruz, HCA, Stroke Services.
- Neil Smith, Chief Technologist, Physics and Nuclear Medicine.
Clinical Team of the Year
- Health Visiting Team.
- Lyndon4/Newton1 – Acute Medicine/Short Stay.
- Breast Care Nursing Team.
Non Clinical Team of the Year
- Ward Service Officers.
- Facilities Administration Team.
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Administration Team.
Lifetime Achievement
- Mr Kiong Chan, Consultant Gynae-oncologist.
- Joan Samuels, Paediatric Palliative Care Team Leader, Community.
- Mr Kevin Wheatley, Consultant Surgeon in General Surgery.
Outstanding Leadership
- Ruth Williams, ICares Manager, Community.
- Dr Sarbjit Clare, Consultant in Acute Medicine, MAU.
- Emma Ferguson, Matron, Medicine and Emergency Care.
New leader
- Rasekhuta Philistus Lephalala, Acting Matron Acute Paediatrics.
- Jas Chahal, Alcohol Specialist Nurse, Community.
- Dr Doreen Cox, Clinical Director of Breast Screening/Consultant Radiologist.
Staff and patient engagement
- Heidi Pouney, Vulnerable Children/Young Peoples Team Leader.
- Priory 2, Sandwell.
- School Nursing HCAs.
Patient safety
- Tissue Viability Team.
- Matron Sharon Reynolds and the D25/D21 Inpatient Team.
- School Health Support Workers.
Clinical effectiveness
- Trauma and Orthopaedic Unit.
- Haematology Research Team.
- Occupational Health and Wellbeing service.
Patient Experience
- James Gillen, Medical Secretary, Haematology.
- Fiona Green, Matron, Medicine & Emergency Care
- Kathryn Gutteridge, Consultant Midwife.
- Antenatal Project Team.
- Mortality Review Team.
- Nuclear Medicine Team.
- EPR Team.
- Dr Parijat De and the Smethwick Pathfinder Specialist Diabetes Team.
- Learning Works Team.
Excellence in Customer Care
- Nayna Patel, Patient Support Centre Manager.
- Oncology Department, City Hospital
- Lisa South, Rehabilitation Support Worker, ICares.
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