Contact Us

For life-threatening emergencies, always dial 999.

For non-life threatening medical help, go to NHS 111 online or call NHS 111.

See below contact details for our services:

  • To make/change or cancel an appointment call 0121 507 4151 or go to the following page:
  • To make/change or cancel an appointment at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre call 0121 507 4440 and select the relevant option.
  • For general enquiries including admissions and to contact specific wards:
    The Midland Metropolitan University Hospital, City Health Campus (formerly City Hospital) and Sandwell Health Campus (formerly Sandwell Hospital) switchboard: 0121 554 3801 or 0121 553 1831
    Birmingham Midland Eye Centre (BMEC): 0121 507 4440
    Rowley Regis Hospital: 0121 507 6300 (not evenings or weekends)
    Maternity: 0121 507 5923
  • Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS): 0121 507 5892
  • For a full list of our services, go to the following page:
  • The NHS Appointments line: 0345 608 8888

For details on how to find us at The Midland Metropolitan University Hospital, Sandwell Health Campus in West Bromwich, City Health Campus in Birmingham, Rowley Regis Community Hospital and other locations please click the links within the right menu or below. You can also find maps for each of these sites as part of their section and bus routes.

Contact Us

For life-threatening emergencies, always dial 999.

For non-life threatening medical help, go to NHS 111 online or call NHS 111.