We are committed to giving you the highest standards of care and service. We welcome any feedback so that we know what works and what improvements we need to make. We also invite you to ask any questions or come to us for advice. We welcome the views of patients, carer(s), friends and relatives about your experiences of using and visiting our services.
- If you have feedback or a concern about our service, please talk first to the staff involved.
- You can also contact the Local Resolution Team, (Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)) who can provide advice, information and support in resolving any concerns.
- If you have a concern we have not been able to resolve, you can contact to the Complaints Team to make a formal complaint.
How can I give positive feedback?
We are always glad to hear about what we have got right and we pass your comments to the staff involved.
- You can fill out our patient opinion and comments cards, which you will find outside every ward, and post them into the white boxes provided.
- You can also write directly to the people involved in your care.
We have many ways you can provide us with feedback. You can do this online is by filling out our feedback form or by using The NHS Website. Look out for more around the hospital, in community clinics and on our website.
Who do I speak to if I have a concern?
On the ward, you can talk to a ward manager or senior nurse on duty.
In other areas, you can ask to see the person in charge.