Become a member

Engagement Membership

As a member, we will send you regular updates and opportunities to share your views, experiences and opinions about our hospitals with us. These include taking part in surveys, attending engagement events and learning sessions.

Anyone can become a member, as it’s designed to fit around you, so you can take part in as much or as little as you like. You could simply spend a few minutes each month taking part in surveys, reading up on the latest news or give your views on topics that matter to you. You can do these on your mobile or laptop, in person and at a time that suits you.

Become a member

Click here to join our Engagement Membership or complete the following form: ML6915 Trust Membership Scheme Application Digital Form and email it back to

Once you have signed up, you will receive a welcome email* and we’ll keep you informed about opportunities to get involved.

For more information, contact the Public and Community Engagement Team on 0121 507 2671 or email:

*Please note that most of our information is sent out electronically, so do provide an email address.