27 contact lenses found in patient’s eye

19th Jul 2017

A leading ophthalmologist has congratulated a team of eye specialists including Dr Rupal Morjaria from Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre for publishing a detailed report into how a patient was found to have 27 contact lenses in one eye.
Dr Rupal Morjaria revealed the discovery and treatment in the British Medical Journal along with pictures of the actual contact lenses that were removed from the eye.
The story has since been reported worldwide, in publications like the New York Times, and even the Sydney Morning Herald.
Determined to get to the bottom of the media reports, ophthalmologist Ravi D. Goel, M.D. who is based in New Jersey, America, spoke to Dr Morjaria directly about the case.
To find out what he thought about the discovery and to watch a video which details the facts behind one of the currently most talked about stories in health log onto: https://ophthalmologist.wordpress.com/2017/07/18/27-contact-lenses-magically-discovered-debunked/

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