Midwives across the Black Country, who make a daily difference to families’ lives, are being thanked and celebrated today.
On International Day of the Midwife (IDM), the Black Country Local Maternity and Neonatal System (BCLMNS) is acknowledging their “fantastic efforts” across the region.
The theme for this year’s IDM is Together again: from evidence to reality.
It honours the efforts of midwives and their associations to action critical evidence such as the State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) 2021 towards meaningful change for the profession and the women and families cared for.
Sally Roberts, LMNS Senior Responsible Officer and Chief Nursing Officer for the Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “The BCLMNS had its conference last year and I was so proud – not to mention really impressed – at the innovation taking place.
“Our Midwives should be recognised for their fantastic efforts across the Black Country. They regularly go the extra mile to ensure women and families have tailor made support that ensures their experience is a positive one at such a momentous time in their lives.
“And I am blown away by their commitment to enhancing our Maternity Services, whether that is further extending the support we offer or using feedback to introduce new ways of working to benefit our women.
“So, on this important day, I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of our Black Country midwives!”
The BC LMNS brings together all those who are involved in providing and organising maternity care such as midwives, obstetricians, service users, neonatal staff, managers, commissioners, public health, educators, perinatal mental health providers and GPs. It is working to ensure services respond to the challenge set out nationally in Better Births to become more personalised and more responsive.
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