Behcet’s in a Day free study day

27th Jun 2013

All doctors, nurses and other health professionals from across the UK are invited to attend a free study day dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of Behcet’s syndrome. “Behcet’s in a Day” will be held on Wednesday 10th July at the Wolfson Theatre, Post Graduate Centre, City Hospital, Birmingham, from 9am – 4pm.

The day will cover all aspects of this rare disease, including referral mechanisms, oral, neurological and dermatological manifestations, therapies and treatment pathways. A full programme is available here: Behcets in a Day programme

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

To reserve a place, please contact Debbie Mitton on 07816 771250 or, or write to Debbie at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, City Hospital, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH.

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