Volunteers at hospitals in Birmingham and Sandwell were treated to a slap up Christmas lunch and a visit from the Chief Executive today (Thursday 12 December).
Volunteers from across Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust tucked into turkey followed by gateaux at the gathering, before receiving Christmas presents in a raffle.
The volunteers have a range of roles across the Trust, from helping patients on wards to running the WRVS shops to delivering snacks to bedsides.
Peter Kattri, from Quinton, has been volunteering at the Trust for around three years, with wife Asha following in his footsteps more recently. Asha is fluent in Punjabi and Hindi which is invaluable for patients who do not speak English as their first language, particularly the elderly, while Peter volunteers on the heart rehabilitation unit at City Hospital.
Peter said: “I had a heart attack five years ago. People on the unit helped me to recover, so I decided to put something back by volunteering there.”
Toby Lewis, Chief Executive of the Trust, paid tribute to the army of volunteers who work very hard in guiding patients and supporting both them and clinical staff at the Trust.
George Tzilivakis, Locality Manager for the Royal Voluntary Service, added: “Today was all about thanking the volunteers for the time that they give to us, which is the greatest gift that you can give. Everything they do enhances the medical care that patients receive, allowing the doctors and nurses to do their job and thrive.”
For more information on volunteering at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, go to www.swbh.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/after-you-leave/help-and-support/volunteering/how-to-volunteer or call the Volunteer Service on 0121 507 3600.
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