International Women’s Day is marked on March 8 each year. Inspiring change is the theme for this year’s celebration of women’s successes.
At SWBH, we have taken this opportunity to celebrate and share the stories of some of the Trust’s female scientists hoping to inspire change for more women in science.
Jilly Croasdale, Head of Radiopharmacy and Associate Director of Healthcare Science
Jilly always enjoyed science at school and went on to do a vocational degree in Pharmacy. Following graduation Jilly was offered a job in Radiopharmacy, a career which she finds interesting and rewarding – particularly the opportunity she had at the Royal Free Hospital in London to work with Cancer Research UK, helping to develop new methods of targeting cancer therapy.
Jilly cites her mum as one of her inspirations to achieve. Jilly, a mum of two herself, said: “My mum was a working mother and always encouraged me. Career wise, I have been inspired by many people over the years, in particular, Jackie Morton, who was previously the Divisional Manager for Imaging and had a background in Pathology. She was a real role model, and encouraged me to think I could do more.”
Now as Head of Radiopharmacy, Jilly enjoys the blend of managerial and practical tasks. She said: “I enjoy reflecting on my service to see how I can improve and change to meet the ever shifting demands placed on it. I enjoy developing my service and my staff and seeing what we can achieve as a team.”
The practical aspects of this role involve radiolabelling of compounds which for example can help diagnose patients with suspected cancer or heart problems, for example. Jilly also takes part in a Nuclear Medicine clinic for patients with Hyperthyroidism, where radioiodine is used to reduce the over-activity of the thyroid gland. She said: “I enjoy patient contact as much as working in the lab. It’s important to always remember why we’re working in Healthcare.”
Jilly is also on a number of national committees, chairing the UK Radiopharmacy Group and being an active member of the British Nuclear Medicine Council. As part of these roles she helps to develop good practice guidelines for Radiopharmacy in the UK, as well as auditing other radiopharmacies to aid their regulatory compliance and help them to meet the good practice guidelines.
She said: “I find this very fulfilling. It gives me an opportunity to help to shape what my profession looks like in the future.”
Jilly would encourage anyone who has an interest in science to build a career in it, she said: “Don’t let anything hold you back! In the 22 years I have worked in my speciality, I have been busy but most certainly never bored. I get so much job satisfaction, it’s worth the effort.”
Shazmeen Hansrod, Trainee Clinical Pharmaceutical Scientist
Shazmeen has had a passion for science for as long as she can remember.
She said: “I was inspired to pursue a career in the clinical field after reading about innovative therapeutic and diagnostic tools that have been instrumental in changing lives.”
Shazmeen is now taking part in a three-year scientist training programme, receiving training over four areas of technical pharmacy; Radiopharmacy, Quality assurance and regulation, Production and Aseptics.
She said: “I am able to rotate around various areas of clinical pharmaceutical science and attain a wide scope of experience that I will be able to apply in future roles.”
Her work-based training is accompanied by an MSc in Clinical Pharmaceutical Science that she is completing at the University of Manchester. This means that alongside the work Shazmeen is undertaking at the Trust she is able to take study days to travel to and from the University as required.
She said: “The postgraduate course gives me an insight into the clinical relevance of what I do at work.”
Whilst working at the Trust Shazmeen has been inspired by her training officer Associate Director of Healthcare Science, Jilly Croasdale.
Shazmeen said: “She has achieved a great deal in her career and continues to do so. She has always taken opportunities to progress in her field and her proactive nature has seen her become a very successful woman.
“Despite her extensive knowledge and experience, she still manages to remain grounded. I feel inspired to take a leaf out of her book and maybe one day achieve as much as she has.”
Shazmeen would recommend a career in science, she said: “You will be at the heart of tomorrow’s innovation. It is a very fulfilling career and prone to change so there is never a dull moment.”
For those with a love of technology or science – and helping others in the process – a career in healthcare science offers many opportunities. For information on a career in science at SWBH visit: https://www.swbh.nhs.uk/work-for-us/careers-at-swbh/scientific/
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