Staff across Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust are being urged to sign up to a promise that they will speak up if they spot anything amiss as they go about their duties.
The initiative is part of a campaign led by Director of Governance Kam Dhami. There is already a positive culture of speaking up within the Trust and the organisation wants people to continue to raise any issues they feel need addressing.
Kam explained: “Last year we appointed nine Freedom to Speak Up Guardians to make it easier for staff to raise concerns.
“This campaign is to ensure that every member of staff knows that it is their responsibility to raise a concern if they see something that troubles them. And also so they know how to raise that concern.
“Our Guardians are drawn from across the Trust representing both clinical and non-clinical areas which we hope sends a message to all that we are really serious about investigating and correcting bad practice if we identify it.
“Speak up Day will be an annual event with public activities across the Trust giving staff a range of opportunities to speak up.
“We are hoping that 1,000 staff will make the promise over the next few days.”
She added: “Every concern raised will be investigated to ensure we react as quickly as possible to improve our service to patients.”
- Meet our Freedom to Speak up Guardians here
Watch: Michele Paduano, Health Correspondent for BBC Midlands Today has a special message on Speak Up Day.
Watch: See what our staff and patients have to say about Speak Up Day below:
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