Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust has lit up its maternity building blue and pink to mark Baby Loss Awareness Week (BLAW).
The organisation has transformed the unit at City Hospital, to pay tribute to babies who have been lost to miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death. The awareness week runs between 11 to 15 October.
Ann Minto, Lead Bereavement Support Midwife at the Trust, said: “BLAW aims to give anyone touched by baby loss a safe and supportive space to share their experiences and feel that they are not alone.
“A loss of a baby is a very sad and life changing event for women and their families, and by raising awareness we can continue to break the silence and remove the stigma that is attached.”
BLAW finishes with the Global Wave of light on 15 October at 7pm. This event sees grieving families pay homage to the memories of their loved ones by lighting a candle in their honour.
Ann added: “We will celebrate this event outside the entrance to the Maternity unit, with a member of the hospital chaplaincy team present, and welcome anyone who would like to join us.”
Facilities company ENGIE funded the lights.
For more information about BLAW go to https://babyloss-awareness.org/.
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