More than 120 youngsters visited Sandwell Hospital in West Bromwich to find out more about careers in the NHS.
The students, from schools and colleges across the area, were invited to the Insight into NHS Careers event organised by the Widening Participation Apprenticeship Team.
Nikki Smith, Work Experience and School Engagement Lead, said: “There was an amazing turnout of students wanting to learn more about the careers we have on offer here at the Trust and the journey of getting into those roles.
“We had teams from across the Trust join us in our careers marketplace and expert panels. These included experts from medicine, nursing and midwifery, Allied Health Professionals, apprenticeships, business administration, IT, portering and security, and ward services.
“The enthusiasm and engagement with the students were very positive and thought provoking – I could feel the buzz throughout the day. I’m looking forward to arranging future events like this.”
The team had lots of encouraging feedback from students, including Harpreet Sidhu from Sandwell Academy, who said: “I really enjoyed the day where I had a one-on-one discussion with a junior doctor who gave me advice on following my aspirations to study medicine.“I would be interested in volunteering and undertaking work experience with the Trust off the back of the event.”
Maxine Griffiths, Widening Participation Manager and Apprenticeship Lead at the Trust, added: “I was blown away by the number of attendees, especially as it was during half-term week. Their enthusiasm to learn more about what their futures could look like was evident and I am very grateful for the amazing support we received from our colleagues to host such a brilliant and worthwhile event.”
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