Nominate your very own NHS hero for award

18th Jun 2020

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust is urging the public to nominate their very own NHS hero for its annual awards ceremony.

The Trust has launched The Star Awards which recognises some of the best staff working at the organisation.

Communications Director Ruth Wilkin explained: “In this time of pandemic it has never been more important to recognise those NHS workers who are working hard to keep us all safe. We’d love to invite patients in our communities to take a few minutes to think about who they think has been outstanding for them, and put in a nomination to show them they have made a difference.”

Patients are able to nominate employees they think have gone that extra mile for the Quality of Care award, which is one of 21 categories. Ajay Hira, a phlebotomist with the Trust, won the award in last year’s celebration (pictured above second left, with l-r David Carruthers, Medical Director, Richard Samuda, Chairman, and ITV weatherman Des Coleman who hosted the event).

The organisation runs City, Sandwell and Rowley Regis Hospitals, Leasowes Intermediate Care Centre, as well as GP surgeries Great Bridge Health Centre, Lyndon Health Centre, Heath Street Health Centre, and six practices under Your Health Partnership.

Other categories include a new Nurse/Midwife of the Year award in recognition of International Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020, which honours the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, Employee of the Year, Digital Leader of the Year and the Prize for Innovation.

Nominations close on 3 July. The winner will be presented with their award in a ceremony which is scheduled to take place later this year. To nominate someone for the Quality of Care Award go to

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