Temporary change to provision of some emergency care for children

15th Jan 2021

As the pandemic continues to impact on hospital services, City Hospital, Birmingham has made plans to ensure that everyone who needs care is treated appropriately and safely.

This means that for a temporary period, effective from 15 January, children who need emergency care via ambulance transfer will be taken directly to Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH).

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust is grateful to BCH for working with them so that young patients (under 16 years) who need 999 emergency healthcare are taken directly to BCH via blue light ambulance instead of City Hospital.

This means that if they need to be admitted to a bed they are in a safe environment, enabling the Trust to continue its Covid-19 response and the high numbers of adults who need admitting to hospital.

Families with young children who need urgent healthcare but not an ambulance are advised to dial NHS111 who will assess the child’s symptoms and direct to the most appropriate place for care.

This includes the option to book an urgent appointment at the most appropriate emergency department or GP out of hours service. The Trust  would like to thank their local communities for their understanding and co-operation during this extremely challenging time.


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