A Nuclear Medicine Consultant at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, Dr Alp Notghi shone at this year’s British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS) conference, walking away with an award and a new Presidential status.
Dr Notghi said: “I am delighted to be elected as the president of the British Nuclear Medicine Society. It is a great privilege to lead such a society with exciting and challenging developments in the field including PET (Positron emission tomograph) and therapies.
“The society plays a leading role in Nuclear Medicine speciality not only in the UK but is also well known and respected throughout the world. I hope to maintain and take forward the position and profile of the society. In particular I hope to increase the patient and other medical professions awareness of nuclear medicine tests, both nationally and also locally in our own trust.”
Dr Notghi also presented three research papers at the event, winning the Multimodality prize for his description of the added value of coronary calcium score to the MPS (Myocardial Perfusion study).
His study showed how combining two separate tests in one patient visit (one looking at the blood flow of the heart (MPS) and the other looking at the amount of calcium in the diseased arteries in the heart) can improve the test and management in patients with chest pain.
The routine introduction of this combined test in our hospitals may now help to further stream line management of patients with chest pain.
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