The ultrasound service at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust has undergone a transformation to accommodate the arrival of state of the art scanning machines.
The main Ultrasound Department at Sandwell Hospital has moved to allow the installation of new CT scanners, machines which produce a 3D image which gives more detail than a standard X-ray. Ultrasound 1 is now situated on the ground floor within the Imaging Department and Ultrasound 2 is now on the first floor of the Emergency Service Centre.
There are two scan rooms on the ground level and a further two on the first floor, which is accessed via a video link on the main corridor between A&E and X-Ray. All inpatients are now being scanned in Ultrasound 1, while outpatients are scanned on the first floor, with the appointment letters asking patients to report to Ultrasound 2. To guide patients, there is signage directing them from the main corridor to Ultrasound 2.
Following the reconfiguration of the stroke service earlier this year, the weekend service for transient ischaemic attack (TIA) has also moved to Sandwell Hospital.
Helen Haywood, Divisional Lead Superintendent Sonographer in the ultrasound team, said: “We have made the move because of the arrival of our brand new CT scanners, which will help us to obtain even clearer images to aid in diagnosis.
“We have also streamlined our appointment process. Inpatient requests are booked by an Ultrasound Co-ordinator, while all outpatient appointments are booked by the centralised booking team.”
The telephone contact number for inpatient queries is still 0121 507 3022 and for outpatient queries is 0121 507 3695. For more information, go to www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/imaging.
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