Your Easy Guide To The Midland Met

You can see a visual guide about what services are situated at the Midland Met by going to: Your easy guide to Midland Met

Below is a breakdown of the guide:

Level 9 – Medicine – Acute Elderly wards A9 and B9

Level 8 – Surgery wards A8 and B8, Medicine – Gastroenterology/Toxicology – C8.

Level 7 – Trauma ward – A7, Medicine ward – B7, Medicine and Acute Elderly ward – C7

Level 6 – Gynaecology ward – A6, including Emergency Gynaecology Assessment Unit and Emergency Pregnancy Assessment Unit – B6 ward, Haematology and Elective Orthopaedic – C6 ward, Stroke and TIA Clinic

Level 5 – Welcome Centre, Winter Garden, restaurant, coffee shop, Education Centre, art gallery, retail spaces, Spiritual Care Centre, bereavement office and external terrace area. The public enter the building and travel to level 5 via shuttle lifts before continuing on to their destination wards and departments.

Level 4 – Children’s Unit including E4 ward, D4 ward, Children’s Assessment Unit, Children’s Day Unit, Children’s and Younger People’s Clinic, Pathology Laboratories, Maternity wards – A4 / C4, Medical Illustration, Medical Student and Doctor Common Room, Pathology, Pharmacy, Medical Engineering, Urodynamics, Physiology Department.

Level 3 – Operating Theatre Department, Intensive Care Unit, Medical Day Case Unit, Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Unit, Respiratory ward – C3, Neonatal Unit, Maternity Birthing Units, Antenatal Clinic, Antenatal Day Unit.

Level 2 – Emergency Department, Security, SAU, Surgical Same Day Emergency Care, Medical Same Day Emergency Care, Emergency lift to level 3 operating theatres and Intensive Care Unit, Imaging, AMU, Cardiology Services, Maternity entrance including lift to birthing units.

Level 1 – Staff car parking only.

Level 0 – Public and staff car parking. Coffee shop, Mortuary, Soft Facilities Management Hub (catering / housekeeping / logistics / home of the AGVs).