On this page
We provide a range of services for both adults and children across Birmingham, Sandwell and the surrounding areas.
We have a large team consisting of audiologists, clinical scientists, assistant audiologists, newborn hearing screeners, paediatricians and administrative staff. We also have close links with Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultants and teachers of the deaf.
We will diagnose patients and also deliver rehabilitative care in the form of:
- Accurate hearing tests in sound treated rooms
- Digital hearing aid provision
- Counselling and ways of managing conditions
- Providing access to assistive listening devices (infrared FM audio/WIFI) within the home
- Tinnitus management and counselling
- Tinnitus assessment and rehabilitation
- Vestibular (the area of the brain the controls balance and eye movements) assessment and rehabilitation

We offer our services at a wide variety of locations. These include:
- Hearing Services Centre, City Health Campus
- Lyng Health Centre, West Bromwich
- James Preston Health Centre
- Rowley Regis Hospital, Rowley Regis
- Neptune Health Park, Tipton
National Accreditation for Audiology
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) are a national body who inspect services to ensure quality, care and patient safety. Our Audiology Service (accreditation number 7979) has held accreditation since 2013 and was one of the first in the country to gain this coveted quality mark.
Sandwell and West Birmingham Audiology is accredited for routine and complex hearing adult services, Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation, children’s audiology services and Newborn Hearing Screening Services.

We are undertaking all routine adult and Children’s appointments across all of our sites.
Repairs have now been moved to booked appointments and some routine appointments may be carried out remotely over the phone or by video consultation. You will receive an appointment letter which will detail how your appointment will be carried out.
For more information about repairs please click the following link: Repairs – Audiology
Services for adults
Free Hearing Tests
The team carries out a thorough assessment in specially treated sound proof booths. We are able to refer directly to the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant reducing delays in your diagnosis/treatment.
We can arrange referrals to other specialist services including adult cochlear implants and bone anchored hearing aids if required.
Anyone who is concerned about their hearing should contact their GP. If you would like to do a quick hearing check at home click here for an online hearing check from Action on Hearing Loss.
You can be referred to the audiology service by your GP for a hearing assessment and hearing aid fitting, if this is appropriate. In some cases we can perform the hearing assessment and fit the hearing aids on the same day.
If you have had ear problems in the past or do not meet the criteria to be referred directly to the service, you will be referred to see a consultant in the ENT department first. Your consultant may then refer you to the audiology service for hearing aids if required.
Hearing Aids
Digital hearing aids are fitted routinely for all patients. They are fitted to each individual’s needs via a computerised system that makes them unique to the wearer. Using up-to-date technology, counselling and questionnaires, we can develop individual management plans allowing us to create a pathway of care centred around the patient’s needs.
All patients who need hearing aids will be shown how to use and care for them, and will be given information on how to get used to wearing a hearing aid, how often to wear it and where to get replacement batteries. We appreciate this is a lot of information to take in so you will be given instruction cards and contact details should you have any problems.
For links to more information about using and maintaining hearing aids please click on the patient information tab.
Hearing Aid Follow-up And Repair
It is important to ensure you are managing you hearing aid(s) well. Approximately eight weeks after you have received your hearing aid(s) you will have a follow up phone consultation. This appointment is used to re-cap information covered at your fitting appointment and to assess whether your hearing needs have been met. If a face to face appointment is required, this will be booked with you over the phone.
If you require general maintenance or adjustments to your hearing aid(s), you can contact the department via phone or email and request a phone consultation for advice or a face to face appointment for adjustments (please see link for repairs on details page).
Depending on the type of hearing aid you have, your hearing aid tubing will need to be changed every three to six months. Your audiologist will give you more details about this at your fitting appointment. Tubing can be posted out with instruction on how to attach or an appointment can be booked if you have difficulty.
Hearing Aid Battery Collection
Replacement batteries are provided via a postal service. These can be requested either via email or phone (please see link for repairs on details page. If you are attending audiology for an appointment, batteries can be requested on the day.
Lost Hearing Aids
If you lose your hearing aid, you will need to contact the department via phone or email and an audiologist will explain how to arrange a replacement hearing aid. An appointment will be made and. You will be asked to complete a form detailing the loss of the aid. You may incur a charge of £60 per hearing aid. This is to cover the administration costs of replacing your hearing aid. Exemption from charges is based on individual cases.
Specialist Services for Adults
Complex Adults
Individuals with complex needs sometimes require additional or alternative intervention. This can include longer appointment times for more extensive counselling or alternative methods of testing and treating a more complex hearing loss.
These individuals are not always able to follow our routine adult care pathway. In these instances you will be referred to the Complex Adults Team (CAT).
There are three main categories that would suggest you require a specialist care:
- Hearing loss complexity. Examples include profound, asymmetrical or steeply sloping hearing losses.
- Conditions which are co-existing or cofounding. This means adults with learning disabilities, neurological disorders or dementia.
- Poor outcomes following routine adult intervention. Examples include individuals who are frequently attending Audiology for hearing aid adjustments without the expected improvement.
Presentation of these issues may arise at any point in the care pathway, whether at receipt of referral, initial assessment, hearing aid fitting or follow up. If a member of staff has identified a patient as non-routine or complex, they will take the necessary steps to ensure the patient is seen by the relevant clinician on a Specialist Adult Rehab clinic.
Tinnitus is a condition where noises are heard in one or both ears. These noises can range from whistling or buzzing to songs or machinery. Referrals would normally come via ENT, however if there are no other ENT symptoms, we can accept direct referrals from your GP. We offer advice, support and equipment to help you manage your tinnitus more effectively. Please see the Patient information tab for more information about tinnitus
Services for children
We manage one of the largest newborn hearing screening programmes in England. Babies born in the Sandwell, West Birmingham and Solihull areas will be screened by our team. We offer a newborn hearing screen for babies within the first few weeks of life with the aim of identifying hearing loss and providing support as early as possible.
The screen only takes a few seconds per ear. It is normally carried out whilst your baby is sleeping. A small rubber tip is placed just at the opening of the ear canal and sound is played into the ear. We measure the ear’s response to the sound to determine its functionality.
Babies who do not pass their newborn hearing screen will be offered diagnostic testing to establish whether a hearing loss is present. We will provide appropriate management of any hearing loss found.
For more information about the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme click here.
Hearing Assessment
Referrals are received from GPs, health visitors, school nurses, speech therapists and paediatricians.
A paediatric audiologist will ask you and your child questions about their hearing and will examine their ears.
An age appropriate test will be chosen to assess your child’s hearing by one or two audiologists.
Behavioural testing is normally carried out, where we teach your child to listen and respond to a sound via an action or motion. This is usually done by playing a game. This helps to keep your child engaged in a natural and comfortable way.
The results and further action required, including a future appointment if necessary, will be fully explained to you on the day of your appointment.
Hearing Aids
If your child requires a hearing aid, they will be referred to us via an Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant.
A full assessment will be carried out as above and the most appropriate digital hearing aid will be selected for your child.
You and your child will be given full instruction on how the hearing aid works, how to care for the aid and what to do should you be having any problems.
Hearing Aid Review:
We provide regular follow ups for your child within the first few months of their hearing aid fitting.
Once your child is comfortable and settled with their hearing aid, they will then receive a regular review.
Should any problems arise between your hearing aid review dates, please contact the department via phone or email to make an appointment (please see Repairs link on Details page).
School Age Screening
If your child attends school in the Sandwell area, they will receive a hearing screen when they are in reception. A letter will be sent home to inform you of the hearing screen and you can confirm whether you wish for your child to be tested. If a hearing problem is highlighted, the relevant referrals will be made and you will be informed.
Below you will find patient information leaflets and links to useful websites.
- Background Information for Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises (ML5350)
- Balance assessment ML5764
- Your child’s visit to Audiology ML5512
- Hearing Aids and Battery SafetyML6231
- Attending for a Hearing Test ML6173
- Charges for lost or damaged hearing aids ML6041
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (B P P V)
- Brandt-Daroff Exercises ML6446
- Taking care of your bone conduction hearing aid ML6040
Hearing Aid Information
Getting used to your hearing aid:
- At first your hearing may sound echoey, tinny and hollow.
- It is natural to feel that your own voice sounds louder than it should do in the first few weeks.
- It can take up to eight weeks to fully adjust to your new hearing aids.
- Try to wear your new hearing aids on a daily basis. Ideally, wearing them all day would be beneficial.
- If you struggle to adjust to wearing your hearing aids, find a routine that suits you. Examples include:
- Wear for two hours in the morning, then afternoon and then evening for the first couple of weeks.
- Wears for one to two hours at a time taking comfort breaks of approximately one hour and then repeat. Try and reduce comfort breaks as each week passes.
- Wear in the house for the first one to two weeks and then slowly introduce your hearing aids to the outside environment.
- It is natural to feel overwhelmed. Having your hearing back can be an exciting but also strange experience. Your audiologist will offer advice, counselling and tactics to help you acclimatise.
Instruction sheets for our adult hearing aids are available on the following link. Translations are also available in Arabic, Bulgarian, Mandarin, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu.
Tinnitus Information
Birmingham and District Tinnitus Group
Birmingham District & Tinnitus Group | Don’t Suffer From Tinnitus Alone (tinnitusbham.org.uk)
Children’s Services Information
National Deaf Children’s Society
Newborn Hearing Screening Programme
Special Equipment for Home and Work
If you need help or advice regarding special equipment in the home (e.g. telephones and smoke alarms) or at work please contact the following services according to where you live:
Sandwell Council
Email: sandwell_enquiry@sandwell.gov.uk
Call: 0121 569 2266
Birmingham City Council
Request an online referral form and message form by calling: 0121 303 1234 or emailing: CSAdultSocialCare@birmingham.gov.uk
Useful websites:
- British Cochlear Implant Group
www.bcig.org.uk - Deafblind UK
www.deafblind.org.uk - Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
www.hearingdogs.org.uk - Royal National Institute for the Deaf
www.rnid.org.uk - Sense (for deafblind people)
You can telephone or email us with any questions about appointments, advice or repairs.
Telephone: 0121 507 4875 (Hearing Services Centre) or 0121 612 2366 (Audiology Lyng Health Centre).
Email: swb-tr.audiology@nhs.net
We are currently experiencing a high demand for this service and we aim to respond to your email within three to five working days.
Please note: If you are emailing to cancel an appointment that is scheduled within the next 48 hours please phone the department so we have enough time to action your cancellation.
- Batteries and Tubes email: swb-tr.audiology@nhs.net to request replacements. Include your name, address and date of birth in your email. You can also request by phone on 0121 507 4875 (Hearing Services Centre/James Preston Health Centre) or 0121 612 2366 (Audiology, Lyng Health Centre).
- For Hearing services (based at City Health Campus) and James Preston Health Centre telephone: 0121 507 4875 (When you attend James Preston Health Centre please report to the Audiology reception).
- Newborn Hearing Screening Programme telephone: 0121 507 5902 Mincom users can contact us using Typetalk by using the prefix 18001 before the phone number. For more information about Typetalk click here.
- Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care, Neptune Health Park and Rowley Regis Hospital clinics telephone: 0121 612 2366.
Below are the addresses for each clinic within the community where we offer services:
Lyng Centre for Health and Social Care
Frank Fisher Way
West Bromwich
B70 7AW
Neptune Health Park
Sedgley Road West
Rowley Regis Hospital
Moor Lane
Rowley Regis
B65 8DA
James Preston Health Centre
61 Holland Road
Sutton Coldfield
B72 1RL
Please see our Facebook page for up-to-date information about the service: SWB Audiology
For more information about disabled access for this service
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