Breast Unit

The Breast Unit is located within a dedicated clinic on the ground floor in the Birmingham Treatment Centre at City Health Campus.

A range of healthcare professionals made up of breast surgeons, oncoplastic surgeons, breast care nurses, radiologists, radiographers, pathologists and oncologists will be in involved in the care of patients.

We provide rapid access breast clinics for urgent and routine assessment of breast symptoms. Additional clinics include follow-up and results clinics and also family history clinics.



Rapid Access Clinics

Rapid access clinics are held on Monday and Wednesday mornings and Tuesday – mornings and afternoons – for the assessment of both urgent and routine breast conditions.  Clinics are led by consultant breast surgeons and run jointly by members of the breast surgical team and breast consultant radiologists / radiographers.

Family History Clinics

Family history clinics are held alternate Wednesday afternoons. Women who have been assessed by genetics as having a higher risk of developing breast cancer are seen in this clinic.

Breast Care Nurses

The breast care nurses provide emotional support to patients with suspected breast cancer and those patients diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast Screening

We currently provide the breast screening services for West, North and East Birmingham populations.  For more information about the breast screening service, go to: or

Breast Cancer treatment and follow-up:

Your team will provide you with specific information to your diagnosis and treatment plan; you can find some useful websites related to this below.


Breast care nurses can be contacted by calling 0121 507 4976.

For medical secretaries see below:

Consultant Surgeons: Secretary
Mr Mehboob Mirza – Clinical Lead

Mrs Geeta Shetty

Debbie Plant   – 0121 507 4593
Miss Fiona Hoar

Mr Martin Sintler

Lisa Lloyd  – 0121 507 4593
Miss Javeria Iqbal

Mrs Rashmi Verma

Jayne Turner – 0121 507 5111


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