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A wide range of healthcare professionals are involved in diagnosing, treating and caring for people who have cancer.
And we provide the highest quality services to our patients across Sandwell and West Birmingham so that their immediate and long term health needs are met.
These include:
- Diagnostic tests
- Day care
- Outpatient services for all cancer types.
More information on Cancer Support Services can be found by going to the following link: www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/cancer-support-services
We ensure all patients with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of cancer are seen quickly, and receive prompt appointments for any tests and treatment. We treat all patients as individuals, and involve them in deciding their treatment and where it is provided. We make sure that patients are provided with the information they need to understand their condition, and what the likely outcomes will be.
We have specialist teams made up of various healthcare professionals who provide treatment and care at the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital and City and Sandwell Health Campuses.
This is based at Sandwell Health Campus. Patients who need radiotherapy and chemotherapy will be treated either at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham or at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton.
The lymphoedema Service is available to all adults with a Birmingham or Sandwell GP, with a chronic oedema (abnormal swelling encountered by some cancer patients) or who are at risk of developing a chronic oedema requiring an assessment, diagnosis and management plan.
The department is based at the Birmingham Treatment Centre at City Health Campus and provides rapid Access Breast clinics for urgent and routine assessment of breast symptoms. Additional clinics include follow-up and results clinics and also family history clinics. For more information go to: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/breast-unit/
This service is based at the Birmingham Treatment Centre. Patients will undergo tests and investigations, outpatient appointments and be able to access support. Read more here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/respiratory/
We offer referrals into the Haematuria clinics (blood in urine), at City and Sandwell Campuses as well as prostate biopsies once patients have been referred via their GP.
Our team also investigate and treat kidney, testicular and penile cancer. However, patients may be referred to regional cancer centres for testicular and penile cancer, once diagnosis is confirmed. Read more here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/urology/
We diagnosis patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Meetings are held weekly for colorectal, upper GI and hepatobiliary malignancy with specialist nurses and support for each. The gastroenterology team works closely with the upper GI surgeons at the Trust and at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham for upper GI cancer, and the liver physicians and hepatobiliary surgeons at the Queen Elizabeth Liver Unit to care for patients with pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancer. Read more here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/gastroenterology/
Find more information about the pan-Birmingham Gynaecological Cancer Centre here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/gynaecological-cancer/
This service investigates all lumps, tumours or other conditions of the head and neck, whether they are malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). Read more information here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/ear-nose-and-throat/
Most types of skin cancer can be treated if detected early enough. Our Dermatology Department operates a weekly skin cancer screening clinic with just a two-week wait. Patients can also be referred to consultant radiotherapists (specialists in radiation treatment) or oncologists (specialist cancer doctors). Read more here: http://www.swbh.nhs.uk/services/dermatology/
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