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Endoscopy is a procedure that involves looking inside the body with a long thin tube called an endoscope.
We carry out endoscopies looking into the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and bowels), as well as cystoscopies, looking into the urinary system (waterworks) and bronchoscopies, examining the respiratory tract (breathing tubes and lungs).
We have three endoscopy units – one each at Sandwell Health Campus, City Health Campus and the Midland Metropolitan University Hospital.
The endoscopy units at the Trust are JAG accredited. JAG is a national body that oversees endoscopy training and carries out assessment of endoscopy units to ensure they meet JAG quality standards. More information about JAG can be found here: Information for patients (thejag.org.uk). We also have members of our team who are part of the JAG quality inspection team.
What gastrointestinal endoscopy tests do we do?
We do the following gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy procedures:
Upper GI endoscopy
This procedure looks into the oesophagus (or esophgagus), stomach and duodenum (upper GI tract).
We do trans oral gastroscopy, where the tube is placed through the mouth and then into the upper GI tract. Patients are given a choice of sedation or local anaesthetic spray for this.
We are also introducing a procedure called trans nasal gastroscopy. This is where the tube is thinner and can be placed through the nose and into the upper GI tract.
Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy
A colonoscopy looks around the entire rectum and colon. A sigmoidoscopy is when we look at just the rectum and lower part of colon.
Endoscopic ultrasound
This is where we look into the upper GI tract and can do a special ultrasound scan and sometimes take specimens and do treatments.
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
This is a test where we use an endoscope to inject dye into the bile ducts, gall bladder and pancreas.
Who carries out the endoscopy procedures?
Your endoscopy procedure may be carried out by one of the medical or surgical consultants (doctors). We also have advanced clinical practitioners and clinical endoscopists. These are healthcare professionals who have undergone specialist training and education to undertake endoscopy safely and effectively.
We are proud to be part of the Midlands Endoscopy Training Academy. This means that some procedures are carried out by trainees under the careful supervision of a trainer.
Here are links to the patient information for our GI endoscopy tests:
- Having a Colonoscopy through a Stoma ML7029
- Having EBUS ML5979
- Having an Endoscopic Ultrasound ML5881
- Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy ML5880
- Having a Trans Nasal Gastroscopy ML6859
- Managing your diabetes when taking laxative bowel preparation ML6997
- Preparing for a gastroscopy when you have diabetes ML6998
- PLENVU Laxative instructions - afternoon appointment ML7362
- PLENVU Laxative instructions - morning appointment ML7308
- Advice following gastroscopy with local anaesthetic throat spray ML6476
- Having_a_Colonoscopy_ML5879[1]
- Having_a_Gastroscopy_ML6458[1]
- Having_an_Oesophageal_Dilatation_ML7019[1]
- Advice following a gastroscopy with sedation ML6475
- Advice following a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with sedation ML5877
- Advice following a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with entonox ML6599
- Having an Endoscopic Ultrasound ML5881
- Having an ERCP ML5878
Here are two videos which show you how to take your bowel prep (laxatives) if you have a morning or afternoon appointment. (Please click the arrow on the right to see the afternoon appointment video).
Aftercare leaflets
- Advice following a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy without sedation ML5876
- Advice following a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with sedation ML5877
- Endoscopy Advice following a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with entonox ML6599
- Endoscopy Advice following a gastroscopy with sedation ML6475
- Endoscopy Advice following gastroscopy with local anaesthetic throat spray ML6476
Useful websites
- British Society of Gastroenterology patient information page: Patients – The British Society of Gastroenterology (bsg.org.uk)
- Information leaflets: For patients: Conditions – Guts UK (gutscharity.org.uk)
- Crohn’s disease and Colitis: crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/
- Coeliac disease:
City Health Campus and Birmingham Treatment Centre: 0121 507 5318 (Monday-Friday 7.30am-6.30)
Sandwell Health Campus: 0121 507 3467 or 0121 507 3460 (Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm)
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