Paediatric/Children’s Services

The service aims to provide high quality care to meet the needs of the children, young people and their families across the area.

The main wards are based at Sandwell Hospital, but we also have services at City Hospital, including the Children’s Emergency Care Unit (CECU) and outpatient clinics in the Birmingham Treatment Centre and community locations. We provide tailored services for a wide range of specialties lead by a team of specialists.

To keep up to date with all relevant advice and treatments for a wide range of conditions please see our patient information page which provides links to multiple information leaflets.

Staff member Fikirini treats Lance
Staff member Fikirini treats Lance


We treat children aged from 0-16 years. We also care for some young people aged over 16 years who have needs better met in a paediatric environment.

We have inpatient and outpatient facilities and community teams to safely support our children and families.

These services range from assessments, inpatient stays, adolescent services and high dependency (ITU) care.  There are dedicated facilities to allow parents to stay with their child during their hospital admission.

Please see below:  

  • Lyndon Ground, Sandwell Hospital
  • Lyndon One, Sandwell Hospital
  • Priory Ground and Children’s outpatients (OPD), Sandwell Hospital
  • Paediatric Assessment Unit ( PAU – City Hospital)

Children’s Outpatients

We provide a cross-site outpatient service and offer a range of specialist clinics for children. We also operate clinics from around the Sandwell and West Birmingham area.

These include:

  • General clinics
  • Allergies – click here to find out more about this service.
  • Cardiology (heart problems)
  • Developmental
  • Diabetes
  • Endocrine (glandular problems)
  • Epilepsy (convulsions and fits)
  • Haematology (blood disorders)
  • Rheumatology (inflammation of the bones)
  • Respiratory and Asthma (breathing difficulties)
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Gastroenterology (stomach problems)
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Genetics
  • General orthopedic surgery (bones and joints)
  • General plastic surgery
  • General surgery
  • Renal (kidneys)
  • General urology (reproductive organs and waste urine issues)

There is also a radiology department at both Sandwell and City Hospitals that offer X-ray, CT and MRI scanning.

Specialist support for children’s services comes from pharmacy, laboratory services and many other medical areas. Community services are supported by physiotherapists, speech and language therapists together with nursery nurses and occupational therapists.

We also offer the following (please click on each service to read more about them).

Useful Websites:

The website link below provides parents, carers and young people across the Black Country with consistent and high-quality advice from local health professionals. There is advice for every stage, from pregnancy and birth all the way through to nursery, school, and beyond.


To contact the Paediatrics team, please call 0121 553 1831 and ask for the ward/service you wish to contact.

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